
Conversion tracking allows you to track the effectiveness of a campaign, by logging the actions visitors have made after clicking an ad. Examples include signing up for an account, purchasing a product or downloading a file. Conversion tracking feature is enabled by default for all of your campaigns, all you need to do is to set-up postback calls on your back-end

Server-to-server tracking works by implementing a postback script at your (advertiser’s) back-end. This script would ping AdWheel’s endpoint with a unique identifier when a conversion has been made. Based on that identifier, the visitor and his click can be traced back and the conversion logged

Here the few steps manual you can setup conversion tracking with AdWheel:

Step 1

Go to Settings – Goals and create a new goal. Like “Registration” or “Payment Done”

Step 2

  1. Go to Campaigns – Creatives – Add Creative
  2. Add a {clickid} macros to your Landing Page URL

Step 3

  1. Store aw_cid on your WebSite’s backend or put it in Cookies
  2. Take a goal ID from the Goals table
  3. Take a Secure Postback Code
  4. Compile a postback link with that parameters
    Ex.: &secure=HaSH5um&sum=10
  5. Call the postback url from your backend when a user reached one of your created goal

If all is done correctly, the endpoint will respond with the word “OK” and a HTTP 200 status code. Additionally you can add a sum variable. It’s an amount in USD you received from a conversion so you can build-up a report of the campaign’s profit.

Security Notes

  • You can set a white-list the server’s IP address to avoid unwelcome postbacks.